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Longitudinal qEEG changes correlate with clinical outcomes in patients with somatic symptom disorder Скачать PDF У пациентов с соматизацией высокая альфа, низкие бета 2 (25–30 Hz) и гамма. После успешной психотерапии бета 2 и гамма выше. SSD is heterogeneous ...
Влияние психоактивных веществ на ЭЭГ
Drug exposure and EEG/qEEG findings Medication and Brain Waves Part 2 Источник We do not request anyone to discontinue medications for the EEG to be recorded. This mess is the cut and paste version of the document's tabular data... it is sort of suboptimal to...
ПТСР: выдержки из публикаций
The Electrical Aftermath: Brain Signals of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Filtered Through a Clinical Lens Within the EEG frequency domain, greater right than left parietal asymmetry in alpha band power is the most promising marker of PTSD symptoms and is link...
Volume conduction
Volume conduction (the passive flow of current across the scalp, skull, and cerebrospinal fluid) strongly influences scalp potential EEG coherence (Srinivasan et al. 1998; Nunez and Srinivasan 2006). Volume conduction has been shown in electrical models of the...